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Receive dentures faster and more precisely than ever before with IDfant
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High quality prostheses
Thanks to our verifiable precise calculation, we can manufacture prostheses that fit exactly.
Special requests such as natural or straight positioning are possible.
Less time
Bite registration is not required during the treatment. Only an impression of the upper and lower jaw is needed. Reworking steps are also omitted. Time saving: up to 90%.
Easy to use
The impressions can be taken by trained personnel in the dental practice. Simply upload the digital model to our website or send in the analogue model.
Why our method works best.
The Staub method is very easy for the user to apply. With a simple alginate impression of each jaw and the indication of the tooth colour, the perfect denture can be made. The bite measurement is not needed any more. Possible patient wishes, such as a natural or straight alignment can also be taken into account. The impressions can be delegated to an experienced assistant. It is only necessary to take an impression of the anatomical situation distal to the tuberosity on both the upper and lower jaw and to make sure that the fold is free of air bubbles.…
Universities of Basel and Freiburg confirm the effectiveness of our method.
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Sarah Barnard
Mannheim, germany
Description for this block. Use this space for describing your block. Any text will do. Description for this block. You can use this space for describing your block.

Sarah Barnard
Mannheim, germany
Description for this block. Use this space for describing your block. Any text will do. Description for this block. You can use this space for describing your block.

Sarah Barnard
Mannheim, germany